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The Kinetic Chain

Optimizing Your Yoga Practice with Total Body Balancing

Energy moves through what is known as the body's kinetic chain. The different parts of the body act as a system of chain links, whereby the energy or force generated by one part of the body (or link) can be transferred successively to the next link. The optimal coordination (timing) of these body segments and their movements allows for the efficient transfer of energy and power up through the body, moving from one body segment to the next. Each movement in the sequence builds on the previous segment's motion and energy. The result of this transfer and summation is what determines strength, flexibility and grace in your yoga practice.

This kinetic chain is the linkage system that connects adjacent joints and muscles throughout the entire body. A weakness or injury in one area of the body impedes the transfer of energy. The body compensates for this blockage by overusing or misusing other body parts in an attempt to make up for this lost energy. When a weakness is present along the body's kinetic chain, the energy produced by the feet/legs is unable to effectively transfer upward into the core and arms. As a result, the smaller muscles surrounding the area of weakness are placed under great stress. In time, this will lead to overuse injuries within the joints and soft tissues (the muscles, tendons, and ligaments), creating bad habits that accommodate and reinforce poor alignment and erratic breath patterns.

To clarify what I mean by the word WEAKNESS... When referring to a “weakness” in the body's kinetic chain, I’m not referring strictly to a lack of muscle strength. The “weakness” also includes deficits in joint motion and body awareness. Having proper ranges of motion in each of the body's segments and proper awareness of each of these segments is as important as the strength of each muscle. Therefore, weakness can mean a deficiency in strength, range of motion, or body awareness.

My somatic approach helps clear obstructions (Break faulty patterns) so that energy moves freely, supplying the body the most power it will allow. With consistent bodywork sessions (1-4x monthly) and a regular yoga practice (3+ times weekly), your mobility (range of motion), balance, body awareness, neuromuscular coordination, power and endurance will progressively improve. You will attain and maintain (stabilize) the ideal alignment for the most power and grace.


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