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Mind-Body Interaction & Development of Disease

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Stress on the brain causes an output of energy that can effect all the organs.  The brain has only a certain amount of nervous energy it can hold on to.  Then, it has to discharge that energy into the body.  Certain people channel their stress usually in one main place (low back, lungs, head, heart, etc).  This is all channeled from the brain, going to various parts of the body, manifesting as physical signs.

People with conditions such as depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety/panic, asthma, heart disease, etc have a weak signal because they don't have enough power in their nervous system.  This energy can be strengthened through various mind-body practices: integrated bodywork/massage, breath and movement meditations, drinking plenty of good clean water, eating whole natural foods, and most importantly an overall positive attitude with loving intent.

Total Body Health

Our entire medical model is being reshaped around the power of the heart.  Dis-ease was once thought of as caused by essentially lower chakra sources but we now view the origin of dis-ease as stemming from toxic emotional stress levels.  The human heart's energy field produces the strongest signal of all the energy centers of the body!  It is measured 40-60 times stronger than the brain's energy field!  Intuition comes from the heart... it's precognitive.  The heart responds BEFORE the brain.  So, it stands to reason that heart-focused healing is the best place to start.

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